Tuesday, August 2, 2011

VANS Warped Tour Part 1

So last night I was sitting here, working on the new background for Simple Cooking, which, by the way I am so overly excited about as it is my first attempt at making a background!


Its just after 5 pm, I'm sitting here and all the sudden Jay screamed and startled the living hell out of me! He had just found out the he'd won tickets to Warped Tour for tomorrow. I didn't believe it I thought he was just yanking my chain. I got up to look at his come and there is was, on the local radio station's Face Book page, was their announcement that Jay had been one of two people to win the tickets!

Earlier in the day, they made a post that basically said "hey wanna win two Warped Tour tix for the St. Louis show? Just comment here with band you're most excited to see and we'll announce the winners at 5 pm. Jay was the second person to post and the first name announced in that bottom most post!

We spent an hour freaking out, then it hit us..... monies?

We have just enough for gas and that's about it. There won't be any souvenirs but that's alright! We'll be bringing our own food and going out to the cooler in the truck to eat a little bit, it'll be all good, no worries there. So we got all pumped up for this!

Today we went and picked up the tickets themselves.

Tomorrow... we got to WARPED TOUR!!!! I'll have a full update and pics for you all Thursday!

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