Saturday, February 18, 2012


Don't nag me about posting, I've had nothing to talk about. Until now.

As of this past Monday, the 13th of February, Jay and I have had a wonderful new addition to our little family. A beautiful little girl of 2 years and four months. Charlotte is our new dog. We rescued her at the humane society. Jay agreed that as my valentine's gift we could use my tax return for the $300 dollar down payment our apartment building requires for pets. We went to the human society several times and after the first visit we had a few dogs in mind, one in particular named Lilly.

Each time we went back to visit and make sure Lilly was still available (they don't hold dogs after all) we would visit and play with a few of the others. We wanted to have at least one backup in case we couldn't get Lilly when the money came in. Each time I was always drawn back to Charlotte.

On Monday, when the money arrived, Jay and I went right there, as soon as they opened. Lilly was away for her spaying but the woman put our names on her stuff so that we could take her when she came back. She then asked us if we'd like to go look at other dogs while we were there. Having nothing to do, we said yes. Once more we walked the two long rows of kennels, looking at all the beautiful creatures people willing gave up. Once more I was pulled back to Charlotte's kennel. She recognized us, got up from her bed and excitedly ran to the door.

Right then and there I started to cry. Openly weeping. I had had doubt about Lilly for a few weeks. I loved her a lot I wanted her but my heart wanted Charlotte more. Every since the first time we got to play and visit with her I wanted Charlotte. Jay pulled me close and asked me what was wrong. I told him. He said we could get Charlotte if I wanted, but I said he'd really wanted Lilly. Jay insisted that he liked Charlotte too and that the dog was supposed to be my gift, and I could have whatever dog I wanted, the one that would make me the happiest. I said I wanted Charlotte and that I needed her, and felt she needed me.

The entire time we'd been looking and waiting, over the weeks I kept bringing up the belief that when you see the dog for you, you just know. And I did know. Charlotte was it. We went back up front and told the lady we changed our mind. She was very happy to hear this because one of the vet students that spay and neuter the dogs for free had said she wanted Lilly too so now both dogs would get a home.

We'd already been told about Charlotte's past before Monday. She had been returned to the Humane Society twice, the poor baby girl! They didn't have info for the reason the first time, but the last time she was brought back, she was only there for 3 days, and they said she was aggressive towards women. Apparently whenever she was alone with the guy's wife she would just growl at her... woman either lied for Charlotte just knew she was a fucking bitch because this dog has NO aggression in her at all. She actually prefers my company over Jay's despite being very attached to him already too. On top of that, she doesn't make any noise. An occasional groan in her sleep or a growl at our friend's puppy when the thing climbs on her. She doesn't bark and she doesn't growl not even when we're playing.

Since she was brought back twice Charlotte was apart of their Lonely Hearts club. her adoption fee was reduced $25, in hopes someone would take her and love her. Poor girl's heart had been broken a few times already, it was time for her to have a good home where she is safe and I knew Jay and I could give that to her.

Since she'd already been spayed and had a microchip, we were allowed to bring our girl home right then. Thinking about how we got her brings a tear to my eye. She's the sweetest dog I've ever met aside from my aunt's border collie, Maggie. Charlotte lets you do anything you want to her, she just puts up with it. She is a German Shepard mix... we think her other half may be border collie but we have no proof either way. She's black and brown with floppy ears that are like velvet. She knows how to entertain herself and play with her own toys. Little by little she's relaxing and settling in with us and coming our of her shell. She's very shy at first but as long as she is with Jay or I she's willing to go up to other people and be social and try to ask for love from them as well as give it in return.

She's so smart, and learns quickly. She knows her manners but needs a little structure to be sure she'll obey. She's not a beggar at all doesn't care about human food, and walks wonderfully on a leash. She is great with children and other dogs, as long as puppies don't climb all over her. And she loves car rides...she's not a fan of an open window but she hops right in and lays down and just watches the world as we drive by, shes so good. She doesn't even get her nose into food or the trash <3 Charlotte has a great deal of love to give and a great deal of heartbreak that needs to be mended. Jay and I are good at both, and Charlotte has been a wonderful change in our lives. A huge change for both of us but wonderful none the less. She saved us as much as we saved her, and I love her all the more for it. I've only had her in my life for 6 days and already I don't know what I'd do with out her.

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