Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Niece Bought My Boyfriend From My Mom!

So I am only telling this story because I laughed my ass off when I thought of the title.

When Jay and I had gone home to visit we were all sitting in the living room. My two year old niece Rory found some change on one of the table or the floor or something. A couple of quarters, and what not. All evening my mom had been trying to get it from her "You want your cuppy? Okay but you gotta pay Gramma for that." or "you gotta give me your monies if you want down." Things like that. Each time she'd shake her head and walk away or say "no" and walk off. She would not give up her monies.

So a little later Jay was in the dining room, and she just loves Jay. She went up behind him and hugged the back of his legs "My Jay." and my mom held out her hand again and once more told Rory "You have to pay for him."

Immediately Rory held out her hand walked over to my mom and put the money in her hand before going back over to Jay and grabbing his leg again.

I laughed so hard I had tears. It is one of my favorite stories.

That's it for today's Elixir!

Love you all!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Over A Month

Been a while since I've posted. Since my visit to the ER last month, Jay and I have gone back home to Minnesota. We helped my parents move into their new house and set up plans to move home in October. But that is not going to happen now, as a few complications down here in Missouri have surfaced. So we are putting off the move till things down here are taken care of.

We found out that my sister is having a baby girl. I'm very excited for this. I've already bought the diaper bag, and I was to fill it with some fun things clothes and a few other things she requested on her registry. The baby shower takes place on October 29th. I have already requested time off so we can go back home for my birthday which is the 31st, so I'll be home for the baby shower hopefully. The downside is that the time I asked off is the start of a black out period at work, and there is no guarantee that I will get it. Especially since two others also asked for that weekend off, even though I did put in my request first.

In other news, we are currently looking for a new apartment. We received a letter from the landlord a few days ago. He's giving everyone in his rentals until Dec. 1st to find a new place because he's tearing down all the buildings, to pave over and expand out his car lot next door. WHY he is trying to do this int he middle of winter is beyond me, he should at least wait till spring when the ground softens.

We found a place, it would be 480 a month for 2 bedrooms, spacious, all we have to pay are gas and electric and renters insurance which we can get for 20 a month. This really is do able, but Jay's mom doesn't think she can afford it, I don't think she realizes that I'll be sharing in the responsibility of bills. Also even though this is an incredibly nice apartment complex, she has reservations about the place because "a lot of black people live there."

Still I'm setting up a walk through for Friday. The sooner we can find a place the better.

Other than that, things are going well for us. This was just a quick catch up post, I'll post again soon!