Saturday, November 20, 2010


I am going to get sappy and almost so cliche' it's sickening, but too bad, don't read on if you don't want to. I plan on eventually making posts about all the important people in my life. And this one is about my boyfriend, Jay.

Jay came into my life not very long after I broke up with my ex of 6 years. I met Jay this past January. At the time I was perfectly happy being single for the few short months that I had been. All I wanted was to be held. Jay and I were friends for a short time before he in a very unsure manner, told me that he loved me. I admit that I thought about him, a lot before then, but I didn't want to fess up, and admit that I had feelings for him. I told him how incredibly touched I was and I did care for him deeply but that I didn't love him in return. Jay didn't give up on me though. And for that I am thankful. Many men would have walked away, claimed I wasn't worth trying for hard to win. But Jay didn't. He pressed on and found a way to break down that barriers I'd built up after I dumped my ex. Barriers I created in an attempt to heal from what had... unconsciously done as it was....happened to me. He was patient, and in the end, I came to see that it was something more than friendship that I felt for him.

We've been together for eight months now. And I don't regret a single day. Yes we've fought, but we've always gotten through it. We talk, all the time, about anything and everything, and we've helped one another with the various scars that life leaves on everyone. Jay has helped me to feel so much better about my self as far as my appearance was, helped me feel more confident about my body, and in a manner of months he's almost fully reversed a lot of the hurt from my ex that caused those barriers to go up in the first place. In return I do my best to build his self confidence, and show him that it's alright to open up to me, to tell me everything, that I won't judge him, or make fun of him for sharing his feelings.

Jay is, in the end, a really big teddybear. He's my Teddybear.  On our one month, he sent me roses. He knew that flowers...of any kind, were something I'd never gotten from anyone other than my parents, he knew that I've always wanted flowers sent to me.... even if it was just one little carnation, it wouldn't matter to me. He knew that I always wanted flowers and not only did he send me some, but he sent me roses, my favorite flower. I love roses, and he knew that too, and so he made sure I got it. I didn't know, I had no clue at all, and I was so touched, I had tears in my eyes.

He continues to do sweet things like that. He fucks up once in a while, but so do I. We're only human. We fight, but then we calm each other down, we talk it out, and we move on. Jay really does complement me well, and I love him. ^_^

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